
Simple Syrup

4 cups of cane sugar
4 cups of purified water

  1. Heat sugar and water in sauce pan, simmer until dissolved.
  2. Cool to room temperature. (Make ahead of time to save time.)
  3. Cover and refrigerate. Good for a couple months.

Makes 1 generous quart (about 4 cups).

Lemon Sorbet

3 cups of simple syrup
1 1/2 cup of fresh lemon juice, adjust for tartness (6 large lemons = 1 1/2 cup of juice)
1/2 cup purified water
1 Tbsp fresh lemon zest (2 large lemons = 1 Tbsp of zest)

  1. Mix all the ingredients together. Start with 2 cups of simple syrup. Taste and add more syrup as needed.
  2. Keep extra syrup refrigerated.
  3. Pour into ice cream maker.

Makes 1 quart.

Lychee Strawberry Sorbet

1 cup of simple syrup
1 pound of strawberries (remove stems)
2 cans of lychees, drained
4 Tbsp fresh lime juice

  1. Puree lychees and strawberry.
  2. Stir in only 1/2 cup of simple syrup and lime juice. Taste and add more syrup if needed (depending on sweetness of strawberries).
  3. Keep extra syrup refrigerated.
  4. Pour into ice cream maker.

Makes 1 1/2 quart.

Pear Sorbet

3 cans of pears (16 ounce each), drained
1 cup simple syrup
6 Tbsp fresh lemon juice

  1. Puree pears.
  2. Stir in simple syrup and lemon juice.
  3. Pour into ice cream maker.

Makes 1 quart.